Technical Specifications of our Domed Labels
Domed Label Technical Specifications
- Material: Two part polyurethane resin.
- Initial: Clear, semi-flexible, excellent clarity and gloss.
- Accelerated Aging, RS-4 Sunlighter with Water Spray: After 500 hours exposure in an ultra-violet light and water spray apparatus, (estimated 3-5 years outdoor weathering) specimens show no significant surface deterioration, increase in hardness, shrinkage or noticeable color or gloss change.
- Outdoor Weathering: Samples show no appreciable discoloration or loss of gloss after 5 years outside. Samples will tolerate temperatures between -43°C and 77°C.
- Oven Aging: Specimens show no surface deterioration, shrinkage or increase in hardness after seven days in a hot air circulation oven at 77°C.
- Humidity: Specimens show no color or gloss change or objectionable shrinkage after seven days in a humidity cabinet with a condensing atmosphere at 38°C., 100% R.H.
- Salt Spray: Specimens show no change or promotion of corrosion to the surface which they are mounted after 22 hrs. exposure to a salt spray test.
- Abrasion and Impact Resistance: Samples resist abrasion and impact down to -29°C. Forced indentations recover completely due to resilient nature of the polyurethane polymer.
- Cleanability: Samples clean easily without marring using a detergent solution, aliphatic hydrocarbon or denatured alcohol.
- Solvent Resistance: Samples show no discoloration after being immersed in unleaded gasoline ten times for ten seconds with a drying time of twenty seconds between immersions.
- Chemical Resistance: Samples show no significant color change or swelling after five minutes of exposure to the following chemical solutions: 5% KOH, 5% NaCl, 5% KCl 2, 20% H2SO4, 20% HCI.